The next chapter is coming soon!

It has been a fun and exciting time in the Casafrancisco household. It has been just a little over a year since we got married, Ralph got a new job with Chapman University, and next year it’s going be a whole lot more exciting!

Of course with any major announcement we like to add a touch of Disney. Hmmm… “Perhaps, there’s something there that wasn’t there before.”

I am extremely joyed and happy to share with you the news that Kit and I are expecting our first child! We are very excited to become parents and raise this little one. We have known for the past two months and were anxiously waiting to tell all of our friends and family, and we are so glad to share the news now!

We got to share the news with our immediate family at a dinner we had just a couple days after we found out. But the fun thing about it is that we got to record their reactions to the news and it was great to see the excitement in their faces.

We also got to share with some of our friends during our little Friendsmas Party. We were playing Pictionary on our projector, so they thought I was just drawing for the game. I proceeded to draw a girl being pregnant, still no correct guesses. So I began to draw a boy and arrows saying it is me, still no correct guess. Then as I continued to draw some friends finally said it out loud as they waited for others to get it.

Our last big reveal was to our families, and we decided to do so on Christmas Eve. Ralph setup his camera on the second floor pointing down at the living room. After taking a couple real photos he switched it to video mode and on his iPad pulled up the picture of our ultrasound pictures above.

Check out all the reactions in the video below. We can’t wait to meet our little baby and share him/her with all of you. We plan on a future gender reveal party some time after we find out and a baby shower closer to the due date.

Baby ARC coming July 2018!

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